The Zettelkasten Note-Taking Method

How to work with your notes and turn them into blog posts and additional content using the Obsidian app

Natalie Marie Collins
3 min readAug 24, 2021
Image by franny-anne from Getty Images

I’ve been studying and implementing the Zettelkasten Method for the past several months, and I find that it really took me some time, deep focus, and experimenting to really wrap my brain around the whole concept.

It’s a completely different way of how to take notes, how to work with notes, how to develop ideas from your notes, and then turn those ideas into content.

When I picked up the book How To Take Smart Notes by Sönke Ahrens it really helped me to start thinking differently about how I consume content and to make the most of it.

Yet, I still felt there was more to explore.

As the world is starting to wake up to this revolutionary way of thinking, there have been a few extremely helpful videos put together by Martin Adams that simplify what a Zettelkasten is and how to use Obsidian to make it work.

These are by far the most helpful videos I’ve found so far and when I watched them, all of a sudden the click of inspiration gave me the beautiful boost of confidence in using this system that my heart has been yearning for.



Natalie Marie Collins

I write about Human Design, Entrepreneurship, Healing, Creativity, Spirituality, Productivity, Zettelkasten, & Sexuality, plus whatever else I find interesting.