The Magic of the Human Design Generator Aura

How Waiting Makes You More Magnetic

Natalie Marie Collins
10 min readDec 23, 2020
Photo by pjmorley on Getty Images

Hey, there, I’m Natalie Marie Collins, I want to talk to you about the magic of the Generator aura and what that means.

This includes Generators and Manifesting Generators in Human Design.

There are four aura types and this creates the types in Human Design. So generators and manifesting generators have the same aura type, but they do work a bit differently.

There’s also Projectors, Reflectors, and Manifestors. Each one of these aura types operate differently in the world.

It’s really magical when you start operating with your unique aura strategy.

The tragedy with this has been the most people are taught completely differently on how to move through the world.

Especially Entrepreneurs. Most people are taught to be Manifestors. Manifestors are only 9% of the population.

Manifestors are here to just do it. And most of us want to just do it and create and just go and do and then hit up against brick walls when it doesn’t work right and we wonder why it didn’t work, what’s wrong with us, and what did we do wrong. Why is it working for this other person and it’s not working for us.



Natalie Marie Collins

I write about Human Design, Entrepreneurship, Healing, Creativity, Spirituality, Productivity, Zettelkasten, & Sexuality, plus whatever else I find interesting.